Darren Walters

Episode 22 - Mitch Gallagher

Darren Walters
Episode 22 - Mitch Gallagher

Musician, Composer, Author, Editor, Journalist, Engineer, Producer, Music Technology Expert — Mitch Gallagher is known by a diverse array of titles, all based on his lifelong love for all things musical. 

Some know Mitch best for the more than 1,500 videos he has hosted and countless articles he has written for music gear retail giant, Sweetwater. Others have read his books, including the best-selling Guitar Tone: Pursuing the Ultimate Guitar Sound, and more than 1,000 published magazine articles. Still others know him as the former Editor-in-Chief of EQ magazine and Senior Technical Editor of Keyboardmagazine. Many have attended his guitar tone and music technology clinics and workshops around the world. Now Mitch Gallagher has returned to his roots as a master guitarist and composer with the release of his new EP, FOUNDATION!